Monday, April 29, 2013

no-bake energy bites

I like to snack in between meals.  And I like sweets.  This is a problem.  Especially when there is homemade chocolate chip cookie dough in the freezer.

Over the past however-long, I have been searching for healthier snack options to have around our house.  My favorite is plain, raw almonds.  I also like to have fresh fruit and fresh vegetables all prepped and ready to go.  In the summer, homemade salsa sure hits the spot. 

My friend, Emily, has inspired me to think outside of the norm and to try new snack recipes.  I have tried roasted chick peas (decent), crispy split peas (um, no),  and roasted kale chips (delicious!  I literally can't wait until they are out of the oven!).  I have a few more up my sleeve.

Thanks to Pinterest, I found this recipe.  These little "energy bites" are a great alternative to a refined, white sugar-filled tasty as that may be.

No-Bake Energy Bites
1 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup ground flaxseed or wheat germ
1/3 cup honey
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Stir all of the ingredients together.  Chill for approx. 30 minutes to make it firmer, which will make it easier to form.  Roll/form into approx. one-inch balls.  Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
*Note:  The wet and dry ingredients can be adjusted to your preference of the stickiness.  You could also substitute different nut butters for the peanut butter, dried fruit for the chocolate chips, etc.

What healthy snacks have you been enjoying lately?
Recipe found here.


  1. Nice job girl, I'm looking forward to when you post a recipe with your zestier.

  2. Yes. That zester from a very zesty sister. :) Fab pics by the way. They remind me of PW. :)
